Attorney Portrait

Employer Holding onto Bonus: What Can an Employee Do?

Many people receive bonuses on top of receiving regular salaried or hourly compensation for work performed. Bonuses often make a significant difference in the amount earned in a year. They can help an employee put a down payment on a house, save for a child’s college education, or pay...

Attorney Portrait
Attorney Portrait

What Is Pay Secrecy?

We previously wrote about California’s Equal Pay Act, a powerful law written to solve the gender and racial pay gap in America, which remains a huge barrier to female and minority employees.  The wage gap is real. Women earn, on average, 82 cents for every dollar earned by men....

Attorney Portrait

California Outlaws Abusive Production Quotas at Warehouse Distribution Centers

You might be shocked to discover that in this day and age, some employees are forced by aggressive production quotas to originate in water bottles in order to avoid being fired. Unfortunately, not only is this happening at one of the world’s biggest companies—Amazon—but Amazon was forced to publicly...

Attorney Portrait

How Can I Tell If I am Misclassified as an Independent Contractor?

People often want to understand the rules regarding “classification” of employees. These rules determine whether you are subject to the employment laws, whether you are entitled to overtime, and whether you are entitled to meal and rest periods, among other things. You can be misclassified in several ways. First,...

Attorney Portrait

Are Outside Salespersons Exempt?

What is the Difference Between an Exempt and Non-Exempt Employee? An exempt employee is type of employee that is exempt from many of California’s pro-worker laws, including the right to a minimum wage, the right to overtime pay, and the right to paid rest periods and unpaid meal breaks....

Attorney Portrait

What is the Difference Between an Exempt and Non-Exempt Employee?

Exempt employees usually hold administrative, professional, or executive positions. They’re “exempt” from overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and California law, so they are not entitled to overtime pay. Non-exempt employees are typically paid hourly and perform more manual or technical duties. What is the Difference...

Attorney Portrait

Is It Legal for My Employer to Round My Hours?

Under state and federal law, non-exempt workers must be paid a minimum wage for all hours worked. California has enacted one of the country’s highest minimum wages, which will eventually hit $15 an hour for the majority of the State’s employees. In California, under nearly all circumstances, you must...

Attorney Portrait

Do Temporary Employees Have Rights?

We often hear from temporary workers who believe they have fewer rights because they are hired indirectly through an agency. Fortunately, this is wrong. Temporary workers are generally entitled to the same legal protections as other workers, including the right to fair wages and overtime pay, and protection from...

Attorney Portrait

California Passes Covid-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave

Even as we see hope on the horizon, employees and their families are still being ravaged by the Covid-19 pandemic. Luckily, the California Legislature has seen the impact the pandemic has had on those employees on the front lines and has passed additional emergency relief in the form of...